Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease

We wanted to bring you up to date with the latest information about how we are changing lives with our DPA cardiovascular screening equipment and Cardio Cocktail.

We recently signed up a clinic in Pennsylvania (two locations) that has thousands of patients. The reason this doctor was convinced that he should utilize our protocol came as a result of his talking directly with our Medical Advisory Staff.

Consequently, I would like to invite you to listen in on our Doctor’s Discovery Call. This occurs each Tuesday evening at 8:30 p. m. CDT.

The phone number to call is 620-294-3000, and the PIN is 9683#. Each week a different doctor from our staff shares his or her experience with this life-changing protocol. It is based on the science for which the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded in 1998. Surprisingly, it appears that very few people in the medical community are aware of it. Please take just a few moments to learn more about it.

Chief Medical Advisor is Dr. J. Joseph Prendergast who is an endocrinologist with a large medical practice in Redwood City, California specializing in the treatment of diabetes.& Over the past several years, utitilizing the information and protocol based on the 1998 Nobel Prize for Medicine, he has reduced the number of his patients referred to cardiologists from OVER 30% to LESS THAN one-half of ONE per cent.

Dr. Prendergast is author of the book, “The Uncommon Doctor“. You can also learn more about him at his web-site:

Please listen to one or more of the calls referred to above and then call our Development Director, Tad Ceyer, at 831-624-6330 or 408-391-7660. Tad can also arrange for you to speak directly by telephone with Dr. Prendergast or another member of our Medical Advisory Staff.

In the meantime, please e-mail me if you would like any brochures on our DPA machine or Cardio Cocktail or any information about the 1998 Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Working together, I am confident that we can virtually eliminate cardiovascular disease in this country and elsewhere. Please join us in this important work now.